Phase II Extension to the Club. Vote now open.
Published 00:00 on 23 Dec 2024
Important: decision required that will affect subscriptions and club
You are invited to vote (subject to eligibility - see below) on whether Exe Sailing Club should move forward with a two-story addition to enhance access to the building's first floor, as detailed in the access committee's report that was given at an EGM in 2022. This addition would move the existing Best room, provide a lift, an accessible first-floor lavatory and better cloakroom facilities.
At the EGM on November 14 we presented the costings of this extension, approximately £260,000 plus VAT. The majority of those present voted to proceed but given the scale of the investment it was made clear that an all member vote would be required. The cost can be up to 10% higher, so up to £286,000 plus VAT before we'd need to consult member's again if the majority of the membership are in favour of proceeding. The full funding proposal is detailed here and can be summarised as follows:
The club currently has £100,000 available to put towards the build. The balance will need to be raised ideally from member donations, followed by member loans, the repayment of which would need to be over 10 years and met by an all member building levy.
The proposed extension represents a very significant investment for the club which will have a financial impact on all members. For that reason I ask that you please read the information provided and then vote on the proposal. We have included a Question and Answer section to give you as much information as possible to help you consider your vote.
You may vote either online: or on paper. The vote closes at midnight on January 14 2025. Those entitled to vote (as defined by the constitution) are:
Paper ballots may be printed from here or requested from the club office manager. Please note that we would prefer as many people as possible to vote online as the system automatically tracks who has voted. Paper ballots will each be manually verified creating a significant amount of work.
To use the online ballot you will need a login to the ESC system. If you do not currently have one then please contact Mike Way who will set up a login for you. Please try a password reset before you contact Mike.
Questions and Answers about the proposed development
Last updated 15:34 on 11 January 2025